== Yleistä ==
* joka jokaisen jäsenmaan on pakko toteuttaa ja tarjota sovellusta sovellus väestölleen<ref name='eur-lex-asetusmuutos-ehdotus-20210603'>[https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/?uri=COM%3A2021%3A281%3AFIN&qid=1622704576563 eur-lex.europa.eu - Proposal for a REGULATION OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL amending Regulation (EU) No 910/2014] ''Article 6a: European Digital Identity Wallets, 1. For the purpose of ensuring that all natural and legal persons in the Union have secure, trusted and seamless access to cross-border public and private services, each Member State shall issue a European Digital Identity Wallet within 12 months after the entry into force of this Regulation. 2. European Digital Identity Wallets shall be issued: (a)by a Member State; (b)under a mandate from a Member State; (c)independently but recognised by a Member State.'' Viitattu: 2021-06-07</ref>
* lompakon toteuttaja voi olla julkisen tai yksityisen sektorin toimija{{Citation needed}}
* lompakkototeutuksia voisi olla useita joka maassa{{Citation needed}}
* suunnattu julkisille- julkisen ja yksityiselle yksityisen sektorin palveluille<ref name="reuters-20210602" />
* myönnettäisiin kaikille kansallisten henkilökorttien haltijoille<ref name='ec-infosivu-2021-06-05' /> (ilmeisesti myös mekaaniset)
* ohjelman asentaminen mobiililaitteeseen ja käyttöönotto on vapaaehtoista<ref name='20210604-komission-tiedote' />
* kohderyhmänä jäsenmaiden väestö ja yritykset<ref name='20210604-komission-tiedote'>[https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_2663 Commission proposes a trusted and secure Digital Identity for all Europeans] ''European Digital Identity which will be available to all EU citizens, residents, and businesses in the EU. Use of the European Digital Identity wallet will always be at the choice of the user. Users in control of their data: The European Digital Identity wallets will enable people to choose which aspects of their identity, data and certificates they share with third parties, and to keep track of such sharing. User control ensures that only information that needs to be shared will be shared. The Commission invites Member States to establish a common toolbox by September 2022 and to start the necessary preparatory work immediately. This toolbox should include the technical architecture, standards and guidelines for best practices. The Commission's 2030 Digital Compass sets out a number of targets and milestones which the European Digital Identity will help achieve. For example, by 2030, all key public services should be available online, all citizens will have access to electronic medical records; and 80% citizens should use an eID solution. The right of every person eligible for a national ID card to have a digital identity that is recognised anywhere in the EU'' Viitattu: 2021-06-04</ref>
* EU-regulaatio sääntely asettaa vaatimuksia isoille toimijoille kuten pankeille ja muille suuryrityksille{{Citation needed}}
== Ominaisuudet ==