'''Gixel ryhmä''' (''Gixel group'') oli tunnus- ja tunnistusjärjestelmiä valmistavien OEM-valmistajien yhteenliittymä joka yhdistyi 27.9.2013 [[SITELESEC|SITELESECiin]] ja uuden yhteisön nimeksi tuli [[ACSIEL]]<ref name=''>[http://www.acsiel.fr/en-GB/index.aspx ACSIEL (Components and Systems Alliance for Electronics Industry)] ''On September 27 2013, GIXEL (French professional association of Interconnection, Passive components and electronic Sub-systems) and SITELESC (French professional association of micro and nanoelectronics industries) members held their General Assemblies and validated the merge of the two associations into one, through the foundation of a new Professional Association, under the banner of ACSIEL (Components and Systems Alliance for Electronics Industry).'' Viitattu: 2015-08-28</ref>. == Lähteet ==<references/>
== Aiheesta muualla ==
* [http://www.gixelacsiel.fr gixelacsiel.fr]