ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute)
TS 119 412-1
5.1.3 Natural person semantics identifier
The three initial characters shall have one of the following defined values:
- ) "PAS" for identification based on passport number.
- ) "IDC" for identification based on national identity card number.
- ) "PNO" for identification based on (national) personal number (national civic registration number).
- ) "TAX" for identification based on a personal tax reference number issued by a national tax authority. This value is deprecated. The value "TIN" should be used instead.
- ) "TIN" Tax Identification Number according to the European Commission - Tax and Customs Union ( Or
- ) Two characters according to local definition within the specified country and name registration authority, identifying a national scheme that is considered appropriate for national and European level, followed by the character ":" (colon).
Other initial character sequences are reserved for future amendments of the present document.
EXAMPLES: "PASSK-P3000180", "IDCBE-590082394654" and "EI:SE-200007292386
Suomalaisella se luonnollinen henkilö olisi:
Tunnettuja PNO-etuliitteen käyttäjiä:
taho | maa | |
Evrotrust | Bulgaria | yksityinen QTSP |
ZealiD | Ruotsi | yksityinen QTSP |
RIA | Viro | valtio |
NTR on yhteisötunnus, organisaatio-leimavarmeneen yksilöivä (serial) tunnus jossa on PNO:n tavoin maatunnus perässä.
The three initial characters shall have one of the following defined values:
- ) "VAT" for identification based on a national value added tax identification number.
- ) "NTR" for identification based on an identifier from a national trade register.
- ) "PSD" for identification based on national authorization number of a payment service provider under Payments Services Directive (EU) 2015/2366 [i.13]. This shall use the extended structure as defined in ETSI TS 119 495 [3], clause 5.2.1. Or
- ) Two characters according to local definition within the specified country and name registration authority, identifying a national scheme that is considered appropriate for national and European level, followed by the character ":" (colon).
Other initial character sequences are reserved for future amendments of the present document. In case "VAT" legal person identity type reference is used in combination with the "EU" transnational country code, the identifier value should comply with Council Directive 2006/112/EC [i.12], article 215.
EXAMPLES: "VATBE-0876866142" and "EI:SE-5567971433".