|EF.CD #4
|Content Directory #4
|contains attributes and pointers to additional useful certificates that are written to the application after the centralized personalization. Useful certificates means certificates that does not belong in either to a card holder (EF.CD #1 or EF.CD #2) or to trusted CA certificates (EF.CD #3). It may be used to store either certificates that may be useful, e.g. a certificate for a colleague’s encryption key or intermediate CA certificates to simplify certificate path processing.
=== Varmenteen lisääminen ===
* varmenne talletetaan '''EF.PublicEmptyArea''':lle (FileID:?433f) [[ISO/IEC 7816|ISO/IEC 7816-15]] mukaisesti. * '''EF.CD4/CD4CD#4''' (FileID:4406) päivitetään* '''EF.UnusedSpace''' (FileID:433f5033) päivitetään. === Salaisen avaimen lisääminen ===* salainen avain tallentaan EF.PrivateEmptyArea:lle (FileID:433e)* EF.DCOD (FileID:4407) päivitetään * EF.UnusedSapce (FileID:5033) päivitetään.
Fineid S4-1 v3.1 sekä Fineid S1 v3.0 dokumenteista löytyy lisää tietoa: